Our Approach

Create an Impact

How we help you create an impact

In the heart of every individual
lies the power to change the world.

In the shifting tides of our world, every action plants a seed of change.
At GenRe, we believe in the power of collective action. We understand that addressing climate change transcends beyond science and policies—it’s about kindling the spark within each one of us to make a real, lasting impact.

1. How we choose projects and the rationale?

Our trained Climate Leaders from SUSTERA play a crucial role in our mission. They carefully select projects that have a positive impact on both the environment and communities. These initiatives are clear in their goals to reduce emissions and help prevent future climate-related disasters.
Bicycle donation for girls at Kochi
Bicycle donation for girls at Kochi

Let’s take the example of providing bicycles to a girl child from a vulnerable background. This simple gesture does more than just limit emissions from the transportation sector. It empowers young girls, giving them the opportunity to attend school and pursue education. Every bicycle gifted is a step towards a more equal and educated society.

When we choose a location to plant mangroves, we look beyond just the environmental benefits. Yes, mangroves help in carbon sequestration and limit the impacts of flooding. But they also support local fishing communities by providing a healthy ecosystem for fish to breed.

Each project chosen is a step towards a balanced world, where the environment and communities coexist and support each other, leading to a more sustainable and resilient future.

2. Support for Disaster Relief

Each of us, in one way or another, has played a role in the climate challenges our global family faces today. The devastating impact of sudden floods or cyclones, propelled by climate change, shatters thousands of lives annually. Families are uprooted, and the heart-wrenching pain of loss becomes a harsh reality for many. It also impacts small enterprises, farmers and biodiversity.
It’s our collective duty to extend a hand of support and solidarity during these times of crisis. A dedicated portion of our fund is reserved for disaster relief, ensuring immediate assistance reaches families impacted by the fierce clutches of climate change. Your contribution helps illuminating paths to recovery and reconstruction in the aftermath of climate-induced tragedies. Your involvement is a commitment to healing, support, and shared resilience against the adversities of climate change.

3. Creating Green Jobs

Your support is creating more green jobs in the community.

At GenRe, we understand that the heartbeat of meaningful change is often powered by the hands that work tirelessly behind the scenes. We allocate 20% of our funds to ensure the smooth operation, management, and maintenance of our endeavors. This crucial financial support aids in organizing, maintaining our website, and covering team expenses that drive the entire process forward.

Sometimes this isn’t enough, but at SUSTERA, our leadership team goes above and beyond to ensure that sufficient funds are always available, even if it means tapping into additional resources. This unwavering commitment ensures that the flame of change never flickers out due to a lack of financial fuel.

And here’s the most empowering part: this 20% is a direct investment in green jobs. It’s a testament to our non-profit ethos where not a single penny is pocketed as profit. Every contribution breathes life into employment opportunities that echo our green philosophy.

This 20% does more than just keep our operations running. It’s a direct link to creating real jobs in the communities we work in. Local women are hired to grow tree saplings. Electricians from nearby villages are paid to install energy-saving fans in schools. Fishermen are employed to transport mangroves for planting. This part of the funding makes sure people in these areas have good work and can support their families. It also means that when you contribute to GenRe, you’re helping people build better, more sustainable lives for themselves and their communities. Your support is creating change that you can see, touch, and feel.

By Joining GenRe, You Will

In the heart of every individual
lies the power to change the world.

You Become a Climate Hero


Play an active role in bringing life back to our planet by contributing directly to its healing and protection

Support Vulnerable Communities


Offer your support to vulnerable communities, showcasing and sharing in their resilience.

Learn Sustainable Strategies


Discover how to lead a responsible, sustainable lifestyle.
Supporting climate solutions has never been easier.
By being part of the GenRe community, you're not just making a contribution;

You're funding the very projects
that will shape a sustainable future.

The fight against climate change may seem complex, but we’re here to guide you.
GenRe simplifies the process, offering practical steps to a sustainable lifestyle and supporting community-driven climate action.

The journey starts with a simple step – signing up.
In just a few minutes, you’ll be part of a movement making real change happen.