SUSTERA Foundation is a youth-led non-profit organization dedicated to addressing the impacts of climate change and environmental issues in India. Our mission is to empower young people to take meaningful action and positively impact the environment. We aim to raise awareness and drive change within communities through various initiatives, such as organizing events, campaigns, workshops, and Advocacy.
For us to turn our vision into reality, there are essential costs we must cover, like rent and team travel expenses. Being an NGO, we have limitations on fund availability. This is where your donation makes a significant impact.
Our major initiative is the Climate Leadership Program (CLP), which aims to train young leaders aged 22-35 in climate action and sustainable development. The program empowers young leaders in India to create a sustainable and resilient nation. The CLP consists of theoretical and interactive learning modules, expert sessions by restoration practitioners, mentoring for local restoration activities/community solar initiatives, and seed funds for scalable restoration initiatives/models.
Another initiative, the GenRe Collective, is a participatory climate finance program that brings people together to take action for a safe and resilient planet. Members join the GenRe community by making regular annual/monthly contributions to our climate action fund as well as volunteering their skills and time towards our mitigation projects such as ecorestoration and community solar initiatives.
Your donation to SUSTERA is more than just financial support. It’s an investment in green jobs, climate action, and making amazing things happen. Your generosity fuels our efforts to address the impacts of climate change and environmental issues in India.
You have options in how you’d like to support us:
- Direct Project Funding: You can choose to fund specific projects such as planting mangroves, providing bicycles to women, or tree/bamboo planting or supporting other high impact initiatives . Your contribution goes directly towards making these initiatives a success.
- Administrative Expenses: Alternatively, you can contribute towards covering administrative costs. This helps ensure the smooth functioning of our operations, allowing us to focus on our mission.
Bank Account Details:
Name of the Account: SUSTERA FOUNDATION
Name of the Bank: HDFC Bank
Branch: Sasthamangalam
Account number: 50200070142697
IFSC: HDFC0001599